To calculate 3/4 multiplied by 12 as a fraction, we first multiply the numerators (3 x 12 = 36) and then multiply the denominators (4 x 1 = 4). Therefore, the result is 36/4. To simplify this fraction, we can divide both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor, which is 4. This simplifies to 9/1 or simply 9.
the fraction is 12 over 15:)
The simplified fraction of 12 over 20 is 3/5
12% as a fraction is 3 over 25.
12 over 9 is a improper fraction and it equals 1 and 3 over 9
3 over 3,( i think) im sleepy
4/25 x 3/13 = 12/325
the fraction is 12 over 15:)
The simplified fraction of 12 over 20 is 3/5
12% as a fraction is 3 over 25.
12 over 9 is a improper fraction and it equals 1 and 3 over 9
3 over 3,( i think) im sleepy
The fraction bar is a division sign. 3 over 12 is 3÷12 and that is 0.25
(2/3) + (7/12) = (8/12) + (7/12) = 15/12 = 5/4 = 1.25
2 over 8 because 1 over 4 times 2 is 2 over 8
8/12 = 2/3
It is 12/100 = 3/25.
12/8 = 3/2