what is 103.468 to the nearest liter
875043-3-4680-98876656788283856780-97576534289 875043-3-4680-98876656788283856780-97576534289 875043-3-4680-98876656788283856780-97576534289 875043-3-4680-98876656788283856780-97576534289 875043-3-4680-98876656788283856780-97576534289 875043-3-4680-98876656788283856780-97576534289
464 centiliters rounded to the nearest liter is 4.7.
It is: 3 litres.
103.468 rounded to the nearest liter is 103L
It is 103 liters
To get the answer, you need to multiply 23400 by 1/5 23400(1/5) = 23400/5 = 4680 Checking: 4680(5) = 23400 Thus, the answer is 4680
5 L
1 liter = 1000ml. 1642/100 = 1.642L = 2L (to nearest liter)