4230/3=1410. 4230/9=470.
There are 9.33 pounds in 4230 grams.
4230 grams is equal to 9.32634 pounds.
2,3,3,5,47 are prime factors of 4230.
There are 4230 hundreds in 423,000. This is because to find the number of hundreds in a given number, you divide the number by 100. In this case, 423,000 divided by 100 equals 4230. Each hundred contains 100 units, so there are 4230 hundreds in 423,000.
Simplest form
846/2, 4230/10 and 42300/100 are three possibilities.846/2, 4230/10 and 42300/100 are three possibilities.846/2, 4230/10 and 42300/100 are three possibilities.846/2, 4230/10 and 42300/100 are three possibilities.
3/7 is in its simplest form.