The number is 6.
Three: 36, 42, 48.
The GCF of 24, 42 and 48 is 6. Divided into each you get 4, 7 and 8 respectively. There are no further common factors aside from 1.
To determine how many times 48 goes into 90, you would perform a division operation. Dividing 90 by 48 results in 1 with a remainder of 42. Therefore, 48 goes into 90 once, with a remainder of 42.
Or you could just multiply it by 1/6 7/48
42 over 48 equals 8 OR 42/48 = 8 is an incorrect mathematical equation.
48=42+648-6=4248-42=648-42-6=042-48=-66-48=-4248+42+6=9642-6=48-12These are some possible answers.
42/48 = 7/8
42/48 = 21/24 = 7/8