42 is what percent of 45= 42 / 45= 0.933333Converting decimal to a percentage: 0.933333 * 100 = 93.33%
The GCF of 42 and 45 is 3. 42/3 = 14 45/3 = 15 42/45 = 14/15
42/45 = 14/15
45 - 3 = 42
45:1,5,9,42 42:1,2,6,7,21,42
42 is what percent of 45= 42 / 45= 0.933333Converting decimal to a percentage: 0.933333 * 100 = 93.33%
The expression "42 divided by n" represents a division operation where the dividend is 42 and the divisor is n. The result of this division will vary depending on the value of n. If n is a non-zero number, the quotient will be 42/n. However, if n is zero, the division is undefined in mathematics due to the concept of division by zero being undefined.
The GCF of 42 and 45 is 3. 42/3 = 14 45/3 = 15 42/45 = 14/15
42/45 = 14/15
3 divided by 42 is 0.071428571428