I'm not sure what a whole decimal is. You could round to a whole number (489334209) or a decimal (489334209.0)
2.5 when rounded to the nearest whole number is 3
You can not round a whole number to a decimal number.
It is already rounded to a whole number as it is.
489334209 rounded to the nearest millionth is 489000000.
It's already there.
489,334,209 rounded to the nearest million is 489,000,000
2.5 when rounded to the nearest whole number is 3
It is: 7
You can not round a whole number to a decimal number.
It is already rounded to a whole number as it is.
109.96 rounded to the nearest whole number is 110. When rounding a number, if the decimal portion is 0.5 or greater, the whole number is rounded up. In this case, the decimal portion (0.96) is greater than 0.5, so the whole number is rounded up to 110.