Yes, 72 / 4 is equal to 18.
It means to divide the shape into 4 equal quarters.
Measure it and then divide the number by 4 so you will know how far you nedd to cut it
Yes, 72 / 4 is equal to 18.
4 / 952 is equal to ~0.004202
A tablespoon is equal to 3 teaspoons. 3 teaspoons are equal to 12 - 1/4 teaspoons. Divide 12 by 4 and you will need 3 - 1/4 teaspoons to equal 1/4 of a tablespoon.
It means to divide the shape into 4 equal quarters.
Measure it and then divide the number by 4 so you will know how far you nedd to cut it
fold the equal two peices
That's the same as 375/500 = 3/4 = 0.75
2626 and divide 4 = 656.5
(4/5) / 3 = 4/15