Well, isn't that a happy little math problem we have here! If you take 5310 and divide it by 9, you'll find that the answer is 590. Just like painting a beautiful landscape, sometimes all it takes is breaking things down into smaller, manageable parts to see the beauty in the final result.
Work from left to right... 5 wont divide by 9, so add the 3... 53 divided by 9 is 5, with 8 remainder. Now - 8 won't divide by 9, so add the 1... 81 divided by 9 is 9. Finish by adding the unused zero. This gives you the answer 590.
what divided by 9 = 8.
27 divided to 9 = 3
Do you mean what is 9 divided by 0.05?? 9 / 0.05 = 180
Work from left to right... 5 wont divide by 9, so add the 3... 53 divided by 9 is 5, with 8 remainder. Now - 8 won't divide by 9, so add the 1... 81 divided by 9 is 9. Finish by adding the unused zero. This gives you the answer 590.
5310 yards = 5310 x 3 feet = 15,930 feet
Yes, in part. The integration isn't as tight as with an iPhone or iPod. You can sync your itunes library with your 5310 phone. But the 5310 is not capable of playing some music bought from the iTunes store. Only the iTunes plus songs (the DRM free ones) and mp3s are playable by your 5310.
Try going to http://tweakker.com and get gprs settings for nokia 5310
how I want to format nokia 5310 phone? and I do not want to interfere with kard sim and memory card..
(9 divided by 16) minus (9 divided by 20) = 0.1125
9 divided by x
? Divided by 9 = 200