Convert the percentage to a decimal: 17% = 17/100 = 0.17Then multiply by 54: 0.17 * 54 = 9.18
To solve this, multiply 54 by one-tenth.54 x (1/10) = 54/10 = 5.4
17 and 37. 17+37=54
Convert the percentage to a decimal: 17% = 17/100 = 0.17Then multiply by 54: 0.17 * 54 = 9.18
You can multiply 2 and 27 together to get 54.
2 x 27 = 54
17 over 54. 17 is a prime number, which can only be divided by itself and one. It does divide evenly into 54.
They can be: 2*27 = 54
The GCF is 1.
To solve this, multiply 54 by one-tenth.54 x (1/10) = 54/10 = 5.4
Multiply 54 times 54, then move the decimal over two times, as there are 2 digits in the "tenths" place.