1, 5, 11, 55, 101, 505, 1111, 5555.
The factors of 5555 are 1, 5, 11, 55, 101, 505, 1111, and 5555. The prime factors of 5555 are 5, 11, and 101.
5555 equals 55 times itself 55 times, which equates to: 524,744,532,468,751,923,546,122,657,597,368,049,278,513,737,089,035,272,057,324,643,668,607,677,682,302,892,208,099,365,234,375
Soln. just multiply 101 by 55. 101 x 55 = 5555 this is the answer
This means we have 5 groups of 55.5 x 55 = 55+55+55+55+5555+55+55+55+55 = 2755x55 = 275
There are 2 factor pairs of 55.55 = 1 x 5555 = 5 x 1155 = 1 x 5555 = 5 x 11(1,55)(5,11)
5555 times 5555 is 30,858,025
440/550, 4444/5555, 4/5
5555 + 5555 = 11,110