-- The next even hundred above it is 100. -- The next even hundred below it is zero. -- 23 is closer to zero than it is to 100 . -- 23 rounded to the nearest hundred is zero.
794 rounded to the nearest hundred is 800.
2,793,149 rounded to the nearest hundred thousand would be 2,800,000. The "hundred-thousands" place is 7, and the next most significant digit is 9. If the next-most-significant digit is 4 or lower, we round down; if it's 5 or greater, we round up. Since the "next-most-significant digit" is 9, we round up from 7 to 8.
It is 300,000 rounded to the nearest hundred thousand
-- The next even hundred above it is 100. -- The next even hundred below it is zero. -- 23 is closer to zero than it is to 100 . -- 23 rounded to the nearest hundred is zero.
438 rounded to nearest hundered
If you round it up, you get 8600000.
It is 500 rounded to the nearest hundred
It is 5300 rounded to the nearest hundred
794 rounded to the nearest hundred is 800.
The number is 550. It is rounded up to 600, whereas the next smaller number 549 is rounded down to 500.
2,793,149 rounded to the nearest hundred thousand would be 2,800,000. The "hundred-thousands" place is 7, and the next most significant digit is 9. If the next-most-significant digit is 4 or lower, we round down; if it's 5 or greater, we round up. Since the "next-most-significant digit" is 9, we round up from 7 to 8.