572 divided by 7 is 81.7142857143 when calculated to 10 decimal places. This is because 7 goes into 57 eight times, with a remainder of 1. Bringing down the 2, 7 goes into 12 one time, resulting in the final answer of 81 with a remainder of 5.
Oh, dude, you're hitting me with some math now? Alright, alright. So, 572 divided by 7 is like, 81.71428571428571. But who's really counting all those decimal places, right? Just round it to 81. Done and done.
Well, darling, 572 divided by 7 is 81.42857142857143. So, if you're looking for a nice, neat whole number answer, tough luck. Just round it up to 81 and call it a day.