Multiplying fractions is actually quite easy - not like adding or subtracting fractions where you need a common denominator. All you have to do is multiply the two numerators (tops) and the two denominators (bottom), and you can form your new fraction!
Lets begin with the two numbers we want to multiply:
5/6, and 36
To make multiplying easier, write 36 as 36/1
5/6 x 36/1
5x36 = 180
6x1 = 6
So your answer is
Which can be simplified to 30
5. 5/6 multiplied by 6=5
5/6 x 5 = 4.16 recurring (that is, 4.16666...)
It remains as 5/6
fraction five thirty sixths as decimal = 0.13895/36:= 5 ÷ 36= 0.1389 in decimal
10/18 or 5/9
5/6 ÷ 6 = 5/36
36*5/6 = 30
5/6 of 36 is 30.
6 ÷ 5/6 = 36/5 or 71/5
36 divided by 6 = 6. So if 1 sixth is 6 then 5 sixths must be 6 x 5, which is 30.
7 multiplied by 5/6 is 5 5/6