To simplify 648 over 9, you need to divide both the numerator and the denominator by their greatest common factor, which is 9. When you divide 648 by 9, you get 72. Therefore, the simplified form of 648 over 9 is 72.
The LCM is 648.
25% of 648= 25% * 648= 0.25 * 648= 162
648 = ?%*900 648 = x/100*900 648 = 9x x = 648/9 x = 72
It is: 36/648 = 1/18
Expressed as a proper fraction in its simplest form, by dividing the numerator and denominator by 9, 63/648 is equal to 7/72 or seven seventy-secondths.
648 = 23 x 34
6.48 × 102
648 expressed as a product of its prime factors in index form is 2^3 times 3^4
To simplify 648 over 9, you need to divide both the numerator and the denominator by their greatest common factor, which is 9. When you divide 648 by 9, you get 72. Therefore, the simplified form of 648 over 9 is 72.
The LCM is 648.
Boy and Girl the answer of the prime factorization of 648 is . 648/2=324 324/2=162 162/2=81 81/3=21 21/3=7 /=divided
Simplest form
25% of 648= 25% * 648= 0.25 * 648= 162
3/7 is in its simplest form.