6.56 is a fraction. It is a fraction in decimal form rather than in the form of a ratio. However, that does not stop it being a fraction. And, being a decimal, there is no simpler form. Its rational equivalent is 656/100 which can be simplified to 6 14/25.
11/6 is in its simplest form.
6/7 You do 48/56 divided by 8.
6 over 56 is 3 over 26 in simplest form because 6/2=3 and 56/2=26.
56/336 = 1/6
7 to 6
11/6 is in its simplest form.
6/7 You do 48/56 divided by 8.
6 over 56 is 3 over 26 in simplest form because 6/2=3 and 56/2=26.
56/336 = 1/6
It is: 6/7
7 to 6
65 out of 56 in simplest form = 19/56
27/56 is the simplest form.
t is: 3/28