154.32 pounds
To convert kilos to stones, you can divide the weight in kilograms by 6.35. For example, if you have 70 kilograms, you would divide 70 by 6.35 to get 11.02 stones.
There are 444.521 kilograms in 70 stones.
70 lbs is approximately equal to 31.75 kilograms.
Roughly between 60-70 kilos ....no its about 116pownes 5ft1
There are approximately 31.75 kilograms in 70 pounds.
Approx 154 pounds.
A height for a girl weighing 70 kilos (around 154 pounds) should be around 5'7" and 5'9" in order to be considered healthy.
Answer: 70 kg = 11 stone.
70 kilos exactly.
The number of stones in 70 kilograms is approximately 11.02 stones.
70 stone is equivalent to approximately 444.5 kilograms.