Well, isn't that a happy little math question! To simplify 71 over 42, we can divide the top and bottom by their greatest common factor, which is 1. So, 71 over 42 is already in its simplest form, just like a beautiful painting that doesn't need any more brushstrokes.
71/100 is in its simplest form.
71/1000 is the simplest form.
71/45 = 126/45
71/30 is in its simplest form unless you divide in which case it would be 2 and 11/30
71/90 cannot be simplified further.
71/15 is in its simplest form.
56/71 is in its simplest form.
71/100 is in its simplest form.
71/1000 is the simplest form.
simplest form of 71 over 45 (71/45) = 1 26/45
71/60 is in its simplest form.
71/82 is in its simplest form.
71/45 = 126/45
71/30 is in its simplest form unless you divide in which case it would be 2 and 11/30
71/90 cannot be simplified further.
71/102 is the most reduced this fraction can be.
That can't be simplified.