Percentage 18 out of 25 is 72%.
72 is 7,200%
It is: 72%
The percentage of 72 out of 142 is approximately 50.7%.
the percentage of 72 out of 534 = 13.4831%% rate:= 72/534 * 100%= 0.134831* 100%= 13.4831%
21 out of 72 = 21 / 72 = 0.291667Converting the above decimal to a percentage: 0.291667 * 100 = 29.17%
72 out of 81 is 88.89%.
69 is 95.83% of 72
72 as a percentage of 96 is 75%
Eight out of 72 is 11.1%
(72/90) * 100
72 is 63.72% of 113.