83 to 70 is a 15.6627% decrease.
83 to 70 is a 15.6627% decrease.
70 percent of 83 percent is 0.581 or 58.1%
70/83 is already in its simplest form
83/0.7 = 118.571428 recurring (that is, 118.571428571428..) Therefore, the number that 83 is 70 percent of, is 118.571428 recurring.
The GCF is 1.
58.1 ml
its prime. sorry :(
406 miles taking this route:Take I-70 EAST to U.S. 83 to OAKLEY at EXIT 70 in KANSAS.Turn right off the exit ramp onto U.S. 83 SOUTH. Take U.S 83 SOUTH to Liberal.
The prime numbers from 70 to 90 are: 71 73 79 83 and 89.
A reasonable estimate for 83*69 is 80*70 = 5600.The true figure, for comparison, is 5727.