Exactly as in the question but if you meant in Roman numerals it is:- (IX)DCCCLXXVI which means 1000*9+800+70+6 = 9876
The Roman numeral for 9876 isIXDCCCLXXVI butIX should be with a bar on top of it. It is 9000, DCCC is 800, LXX is 70 & VI is 6.
9876 written as a fraction is 9876 / 1. All whole numbers can be written as their values over 1.
Rounded to the nearest thousand, 9876 is approximately equal to 10000.
Exactly as in the question but if you meant in Roman numerals it is:- (IX)DCCCLXXVI which means 1000*9+800+70+6 = 9876
The Roman numeral for 9876 isIXDCCCLXXVI butIX should be with a bar on top of it. It is 9000, DCCC is 800, LXX is 70 & VI is 6.
9876 written as a fraction is 9876 / 1. All whole numbers can be written as their values over 1.
9876 mg = 9.876*10³ mg = 9.876 g
Rounded to the nearest thousand, 9876 is approximately equal to 10000.
7242335 - According to my WINDOWS calculator !