Yes, 9/18 can be simplified. Both the numerator and denominator can be divided by 9, simplifying it to 1/2.
9/9 simplified is 1
10 and 1/2
2/9 is in its most simplified form. However as a decimal it is 0.222.... ( to infinity).
2 and a quarter or 2 1/4
Yes, 9/18 can be simplified. Both the numerator and denominator can be divided by 9, simplifying it to 1/2.
It is: 18/9 = 2/1 = 2
9/9 simplified is 1
10 and 1/2
10 and 1/2
2/9 is in its most simplified form. However as a decimal it is 0.222.... ( to infinity).
2 and a quarter or 2 1/4
80 over 36 simplified: 20 over 9 and as a mixed number it's 2 2/9
It is 1840/9, which cannot be simplified.
It is 2/9 simplified
It can be simplified to 1/3.