Th e greatest 4-digit even number is 9,998 .
The greatest 4-digit number with no repeated digits is... 9876
The smallest 5 digit odd number is: 10001 The greatest 4 digit even number is: 9998 Subtracting 9998 from 10001 gives you 3.
The greatest 4-digit number that is divisible by 16 is 9984
Th e greatest 4-digit even number is 9,998 .
198 is the greatest three-digit even number that has no factor equal to 4.
The greatest 4-digit number with no repeated digits is... 9876
The smallest 5 digit odd number is: 10001 The greatest 4 digit even number is: 9998 Subtracting 9998 from 10001 gives you 3.
The greatest 4-digit number that is divisible by 16 is 9984
The greatest or largest 3 digit number is 999 because the next digit on the number line is 1000 a 4 digit number.
9999 is the 4-digit number and 999 is the 3-digit number.