What are compatible fractions? Round the whole number to the closest compatible number to the denominator. Compatible numbers are numbers that are close in value to the real number that would make it easier to find an estimate calculation. compatible numbers are numbers that are a like or can compared like fact families!
Compatible numbers
When estimating, compatible numbers are numbers that are close in value to the actual numbers, and which make it easy to do mental arithmetic.
In mathematics, compatible numbers are the numbers that are easy to add, subtract, multiply, or divide mentally. Compatible numbers are close in value to the actual numbers that make estimating the answer and computing problems easier. We can round the numbers to the nearest ten, hundred, thousand or ten thousand to make them compatible numbers. For instance, if we have to add 493 and 549, we can make the numbers compatible by rounding them up to the nearest tens or hundreds. 490 and 550 (rounded to the nearest tens) or 500 and 500 (rounded to the nearest hundreds) are much easier to solve.
So, we know the answer is about 1040 or 1000.
Let us see some examples to understand how we can perform subtraction, multiplication and division using compatible numbers.
Find the difference between 376.5 and 612.2
Here, we cannot find the difference between 376.5 and 612.2 easily as they are not compatible. So, we make the numbers compatible by rounding both the numbers to the nearest tens.
Find the product of 24.3 and 18.7.
It is difficult to find the product of 24.3 and 18.7 mentally and quickly. So, we use compatible numbers and find the which is closer to the actual answer.
Divide 856 by 33.
To find the answer to 856 ÷ 33, will take us time as we need to divide to get the answer.
However, if we make the numbers compatible, we can mentally find an answer close to the actual answer as shown.
Fun Facts
Compatible numbers help in simplifying the calculation of an estimate only.
What is the answer to the compatible numbers for 380+445
In general, numbers are not compatible or otherwise in isolation. They are compatible in the context of other numbers. Two (or more) numbers are compatible if their sum (or other combination) is a number which YOU find easy to work with. As you acquire more experience, you may find that more and more numbers become compatible.
A compatible number is a number that is easy to add when you add it together.
compatible numbers
The answer depends on the context. If considering the 1877 + 11 then a compatible number would be 1880 but if considering 1877 + 11,000,000,000,000,000 the compatible number is 0.
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What IS compatible with windows!!!!
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No, Roboform is not compatible with safari.
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No, this is not compatible with Win 8