Complex fraction
Complex fraction - A complex fraction is a fraction where the numerator and/or denominator are a fraction. Decimal - A decimal is a number based on the number 10. It can be thought of as a special type of fraction where the denominator is a power of 10. Decimal point - A period or dot that is part of a decimal number.
1 is tht whole number and 2/3 is the fraction so together is 1 2/3. get it
ThT is basically an abbreviation of that.
:> well she's trying to say tht you're sexy or either tht she likes your body. I'm a girl and i really think tht 'muscley' guys are hot.
Jabibi the gas attendant
There is not really an answer to it, All I can say is don't rush the process, you will know the right moment when the time comes.
its ok id do tht for tht many green skittles too :)
I 100% sure tht they do... i consider tht they yawn i guess...
U take tht route tht has tht water thingy and u follow tht and thn u find thn pillar and u like go up the "shy" pillar and u go up and up and up thn u find tht dragon
If your positive she's the one and there's still sparks there.. U fight for her.. And u wouldn't probably have to do tht because if she loved u she wouldn't b with tht dude.. that's bogus*!
uhh kind of disgusting qeustion but i would say maybe because if someone had both girl and boy parts then tht could be possible
well its relly funny tht u said tht bc in my HW i have tht and i relly think its like yes bc ur feeling down
you need more vowels