0.288% = 9/3125
The LCD is the LCM (least common multiple) of all the denominators. The LCM of 3, 4, 32, and 9 is 288, which is the multiple of the highest power of prime factors from all of the given numbers (25 x 32 = 288). Prime factors: 3 = 3; 4 = 22; 32 = 25; 9 = 32 (highest power shown in bold type) The given fractions with an LCM would be 96/288, 216/288, 45/288, and 256/288.
1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 12, 16, 18, 24, 32, 36, 48, 72, 96, 144, 288 are all of the factors 288
To determine how many times 9 goes into 288, we divide 288 by 9. The result is 32, so 9 goes into 288 a total of 32 times. This can be calculated by dividing the dividend (288) by the divisor (9) to get the quotient (32).
288/30= 9.6 30 can go into 288 9.6 times
32 times
The answer is 288 48 x6 288
yes 288 divided by 9 = 32
The LCM is 288.
It is: 288/9 = 32/1 => 32