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There is no perfect square number between 1 and 4. On the other hand, every number is a square - or its square roots.

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Either 1 or 4.

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Q: What is a square number between 1 and 4?
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What is a square number and a factor of 24 between 1-20?

1 and 4

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What is the square root of an uneven number?

The even-ness of the number is not relevant. The square root of 1, 4, 9 and 16 are 1, 2, 3 and 4, because 1*1 is 1, 2*2 is 4, 3*3 is 9 and 4+4 is 16. The numbers in between are irrational: The square root of 2 is 1.4 and a bit, the square root of 3 is 1.7 and a bit.

Write the square numbers between 1 and 40?

A square number is one that is produced when one number is multiplied by itself. The squares from 1 to 40 are 1, 4, 9, 16, 25 and 36.

What number is the square of its units digit?

Because the number is the square of its units digit, it must be the square of a number between 1 and 9. Look at the squares of the first nine numbers.The square of 1 is 1.The square of 2 is 4.The square of 3 is 9.The square of 4 is 16.The square of 5 is 25.The square of 6 is 36.The square of 7 is 49.The square of 8 is 64.The square of 9 is 81.Of these numbers, 1, 25, and 36 are squares of their units digit.

Is 24 a square number and why?

No. 4*4 = 16 and 5*5 = 25 So the square root of 24 must be between 4 and 5. But there is no integer between 4 and 5. So 24 is not a square number.

Which number is a square number from 1 to 10?

1, 4 and 9

What type of number is the square root of sixteen?

The square root of 16 is ±4 which is the rational number ±(4/1)

What is 1 square number subtract another square number equals 5?


What kind of number is the square root of -16?

Square root of -1 is an imaginary number (√-1 = i), √-16 = √-1 * √16 √-16 = i * 4 √-16 = 4 i

What is the concept of i imaginary number?

The square of any real number is non-negative. So there is no number whose square is negative. But there are times when it is mathematically helpful to be able to take the square root of a negative number. This is where i comes to the rescue. i is a number such that i2 = -1. Then, if you want to find the square root of -4, for example, -4 = 4*(-1) So that sqrt(-4) = sqrt[4*(-1)] = sqrt(4)*sqrt(-1) = +/- 2*i

Is 3 a square number?

No, square numbers are numbers that are the square of a whole number, such as: 12 = 1; 22 = 4; 32 = 9; etc. The numbers 1, 4, 9, etc. are the square numbers.