Independent variables are values that can be changed in a given model or equation. They provide the "input" which is modified by the model to change the "output."
A scientist studies how many days people can eat soup until they get sick. The independent variable is the number of days of consuming soup. The dependent variable is the onset of illness.
The independent variable is what causes the results.
Whether or not a particular variable is independent or not depends on the context. For exampl, if studying the population of some species over time, the independent variable is time but when studying how long you have to wait in a bank before seeing a teller, time is a dependent variable.
The independent variable represents the input or causes, or are tested to see if they are the cause.
An independent variable is exactly what it sounds like. It is a variable that stands alone and isn't changed by the other variables you are trying to measure. For example, someone's age might be an independent variable.
The dependent variable depends on the independent variable for its values as for example in the straight line equation y = 2x+6 whereas y is the dependent variable and x is the independent variable
I'm doing a science project on if fingerprint patterns are inherited? what is the control, independent variable and dependent variable? An ''independent variable is a ''variable which is presumed to affect or determine a dependent ''variable. independent variable is typically the variable being manipulated or changed and the dependent variable is the observed result of the independent variable being manipulated.'''''' Example; In price and sales relationship one can manipulate price to check its effect on sales, so sale is dependent and price is independent variable.
The dependent variable depends on the independent variable for its values as for example in the straight line equation: y = 2x+1 It is y that is the dependent variable and x the independent variable.
The independent variable represents the input or causes, or are tested to see if they are the cause.
An example of an independent variable is how many people to feed. An example of a dependent variable is how many eggs.
The independent variable in an controlled experiment is what you are changing (for example, amount of water or sunlight a plant gets). The dependent variable changes because of the independent variable. Its the outcome of the independent variable.
dependent variable
You can tell which is the independent variable and which is the dependent variable by changing the equation into an "if/then" statement. Example: y = 3x In this example, x is the independent variable and y is the dependent variable. If you give me x, I will tell you y. If x = 1, then y = 3 If x = 2, then y = 6 So you give me the independent variable, and then I will be able to determine the dependent variable.
An independent variable is exactly what it sounds like. It is a variable that stands alone and isn't changed by the other variables you are trying to measure. For example, someone's age might be an independent variable.
The dependent variable is on the vertical y axis and the independent on the horizontal x axis In the equation for example y = 3x then y is dependent on the independent variable x
you choose the independent variable, for example to see if aspirin helps bee stings, you choose whether or not to put it on. Aspirin is the independent variable, probability is not involved.
An independent variable is the variable of the experiment that the dependent variable depends on. For example, in an experiment testing the effects of soil quality on a plant's growth, the dependent variable would be the plant's growth and the independent variable would be the quality of the soil.
It can be but it is equally possible that the experimenter has absolutely no control over the independent variable. For example, in studying the grades of a class in a school, the pupils' gender may be an independent variable of interest. But the experimenter cannot control that variable.