Bar notation is a decimal with a repeated number with a line on top of the repeated number.
EX.) 4.23232323 would be 4.23 with a line over the 4.23.
EX.) 5. 22222222222222 would be 5.22 with a line over the 5.22.
Last one ...
cut off after the second 7
put a line OVER the bolded 7
EX.) 7.907777777777 would be 7.9077 with a line over the 7.9077.
that is bar notation :)
2.01 the bar notation is overthe .01
It is bar 0.58585 :)
Sorry, but it is not possible to use a notation bar with this browser.
In bar notation, it is .42. The bar rests atop the 42.
0.765 with a bar over the 765.
It would be 0.6734 with a bar over the 34.
it is 3.5030303 with a - or a bar over it.