13 divided by 20
Divide the numerator and the denominator by their greatest common factor to reduce to its lowest equivalent fraction. For example, 169/260=13/20 after dividing the numerator and the denominator by 13.
2 of the fractions is 20/100 and 5/25. You can find how a fraction is equivalent to another is that you see what can that fraction can be multiplied or divided by both for the numerator and denominator to get your answer. Hope this helped! :)
13 divided by 20
fraction equivalent to 65 percent = 13/2065% = 65%/100% = 65/100 or 13/20 in fraction
Well, darling, 65 percent is the same as 65/100 as a fraction. Now, if you simplify that bad boy, you get 13/20. So, there you have it, 65 percent is equivalent to 13/20.
13/20 = 65%
0.65 = 13/20 in its lowest terms
If you mean 117/180 then it is 13/20
65/100 = 13/20
It is: 0.65 = 13/20 as a fraction in its lowest terms
You can either say that 66/40 is equivalent or 1 and 13/20
0.65 is a fraction. It is a fraction in decimal form rather than in the form of a ratio. However, that does not stop it being a fraction. Its equivalent, in rational form, is 65/100 which simplifies to 13/20.
Divide the numerator and the denominator by their greatest common factor to reduce to its lowest equivalent fraction. For example, 169/260=13/20 after dividing the numerator and the denominator by 13.
2 of the fractions is 20/100 and 5/25. You can find how a fraction is equivalent to another is that you see what can that fraction can be multiplied or divided by both for the numerator and denominator to get your answer. Hope this helped! :)