ninety three and ninety thousand six hundred twenty five hundred thousands= 93.90625
5% of 350,000 is 17,500
.05 * 326 = 16.3
Errrr - Five thousand three hundred dollars !
10 percent of it is 34.5. Simply multiply it by 8. The answer is 276.
Five and three hundred seventy-five thousandths percent.
ninety three and ninety thousand six hundred twenty five hundred thousands= 93.90625
That would be 18,000.
Three hundred seventy-five thousandths percent.
Ninety-three and ninety thousand six hundred twenty-five hundred-thousandths percent.
3.875 = 3 and eight hundred seventy five thousandths percent
5% of 350,000 is 17,500
.05 * 326 = 16.3
i think its 12,250 dollars
Errrr - Five thousand three hundred dollars !
10 percent of it is 34.5. Simply multiply it by 8. The answer is 276.