There is nothing "in" digits. Digits are single characters representing the ten integers from 0 to 9 (inclusive).
A quadrillion has 16 digits.
There is no such thing as scientific digits. There are 6 digits in the number of which 3 are SIGNIFICANT (not scientific) digits.
There are three significant digits. I am not sure what scientific digits are!
6 digits
12 digits.12 digits.12 digits.12 digits.
6 digits
A quadrillion has 16 digits.
There is no such thing as scientific digits. There are 6 digits in the number of which 3 are SIGNIFICANT (not scientific) digits.
JV+ 5 DIGITS 1982-1984 SQ + 5 DIGITS 1983-1984 E + 6 DIGITS 1984-1987 A + 6 DIGITS 1985-1986 B + 6 DIGITS 1985-1986 C + 6 DIGITS 1985-1986 F + 6 DIGITS 1986-1987 G + 6 DIGITS 1987-1988 H + 6 DIGITS 1988-1989 I + 6 DIGITS 1989-1990 J + 6 DIGITS 1989-1990 K + 6 DIGITS 1990-1991 L + 6 DIGITS 1991-1992 M + 6 DIGITS 1992-1993 N + 6 DIGITS 1993-1994 O + 6 DIGITS 1993-1994 P + 6 DIGITS 1993-1994 Q + 6 DIGITS 1993-1994 S + 6 DIGITS 1994-1995 T + 6 DIGITS 1994-1995 U + 6 DIGITS 1995-1996 N + 5 DIGITS 1995-1996 V + 6 DIGITS 1996-1997 Crafted in Japan A + 6 DIGITS 1997-1998 Crafted in Japan O + 5 DIGITS 1997-2000 Crafted in Japan P + 5 DIGITS 1999-2002 Crafted in Japan Q + 5 DIGITS 2002-2004 Crafted in Japan R + 5 DIGITS 2004-2005
Probably not. Some of the digits are probably check digits, calculated from the other digits, based on some formula. This means that if any one of the digits changes, another digits - or other digits - have to change, too.
There are three significant digits. I am not sure what scientific digits are!
Seven digits.
6 digits
All four of the digits given are significant digits.
500 000, there is 6 digits!