multiply 2/3 x 1/5 = 2/15 multiply numerators, multiply denominators, then reduce if possible.
Divide by 2. Multiply by 0.5 Multiply by 1/2
Factors. example: 2 x 2 = 4 there, 2 and 2 are the 2 numbers you multiply, factors are the numbers you multiply together. It can be more that 2 factors.
You divide 2 by 3. Then you multiply the result by 100.You divide 2 by 3. Then you multiply the result by 100.You divide 2 by 3. Then you multiply the result by 100.You divide 2 by 3. Then you multiply the result by 100.
table of 8 or multiply by 2
You can multiply 13 and 2 to get 26 or you can also multiply 26 and 1.
2% is the same as 0.02 and so multiply the number by 0.02 to find 2% of it
2 2
2% = 2/100. Multiply by 50000. 50000/100 = 500, then multiply by 2 = 1000.
85 multiply by 1 over 2 = 42.5
you get an positive answer ex +2 multiply +2= 4