Answer #1:
It's (1) divided by (the acceleration of gravity in the place where that mass has
that weight):
weight = mass x g (where g is the acceleration due to gravity)
⇒ mass/weight = mass/(mass x g)
= 1/g
On the earth, g ≈ 9.81 ms-2 ⇒ mass/weight ≈ 1/9.81 ms-2 ≈ 0.102 m-1s2
On the moon, g is approx 1/6 that of the earth, ⇒ mass/weight ≈ 6/9.81 ms-2 ≈ 0.612 m-1s2
If the questioner really meant weight divided by mass it gives the acceleration
due to gravity in that place otherwise I'm not sure of a use of knowing the
reciprocal of the acceleration due to gravity that the questioner asked.
Answer #2:
If you ask a scientist, that's true answer in the sense that a mass M experiences
a gravitational force Mg and if you measure weight in units of force (which
nobody does). But anyone else would be surprised to learn that a mass M (say
10 grams) would have a weight of anything else but M grams (10 grams).
Sometimes expressed as "grams weight" often just grams for short. If you pick
up a Kilogram, even a scientist would say "its weight is 1 kilogram". The
gravitational force on it is 1g, so if you let it go it will accelerate at a rate force
over mass, which is g. So the answer depends on your units of mass and weight.
That's why science lessons tend to avoid use of "weight". In outer free space
mass would be measured by (say) tension in the string if you whirl it on the end
of it around your head, but the weight (measured by a spring balance) would be
zero (precisely as described in the first answer above, with g=0).
Answer #2.1:
The problem with discussing mass and weight in the same units, and the reason that this masked contributor is waging a one-man battle to make the distinction recognized and acknowledged by users of this website, is the new problem that
you have now that the space age is here.
As long as we were all irrevocably bound to the Earth, one kilogram of mass would always weigh one kilogram, if you like it that way. We could afford to be sloppy about it, with hardly one out of ten men-on-the-street knowing or caring about the difference, and nobody ever had a problem with it.
But now that some of us have already slipped these surly bonds ... and among
the general population, the younger you are, the better the chance that you will
do so one day before you're done ... those who ignored the distinction begtween
mass and weight all through school, or never even encountered it there, are
poised to step into an inconvenient pile. Because as soon as you pack for your
trip to anywhere else away from Earth, and take along your lucky kilogram,
you're due for a shock when you step out at your destination: Your kilogram
doesn't "weigh" a kilogram there. It weighs something else. If you're on the
moon, for example, your kilogram weighs 0.165 kilogram ! That's the
shock I'm trying to avoid, because if you think the straight dope is too complex
for people to handle now, you haven't seen anything yet.
No. 52.1 kilograms is a measure of mass, not weight. Weight and mass are measures of different characteristics.
Density is defined as the mass of something divided by the volume of the same thing. During a careful reading of the definition, it becomes apparent that density is not mass, and that density is also similarly not weight as well, either.
Mass is the mass, weight is mass with gravity acting upon it
Weight in Newtons Mass in kilograms
weight and mass measures the volume
Not exactly. Density is weight divided by volume.
weight is different in different gavities but mass is not, volume is not involved
No. 52.1 kilograms is a measure of mass, not weight. Weight and mass are measures of different characteristics.
If your talking weight wse its the Body mass index.Height divided by weight
It is its molecular weight divided by avagadro's number.
None that I know of, but mass divided by volume is density.
This is the atomic weight or the molar weight divided by valence.The mass which reacts with one part of hydrogen (as mass).
Density is weight (mass actually) divided by volume.
weight is different in different gavities but mass is not, volume is not involved
2nd answer: In fact, weight = mass if the massive object is on Earth.
No, mass divided by weight does not equal velocity. Mass is a measurement of the amount of matter in an object, weight is the force of gravity acting on an object, and velocity is the rate of change of position of an object over time. These are three distinct concepts in physics.
Body Mass Index