The equation "mc^2" represents the energy of an object at rest, where "m" is the mass of the object and "c" is the speed of light. Dividing this by 2 would result in half of the object's energy at rest. So, "mc^2 / 2" would represent half of the energy of an object at rest based on its mass and the speed of light.
E=mc squared
None of the graphs that I can see!
mc squared
2 mc squared
(a)*2 * 2(mc)*2 (c)4
mass * (Speed of light)^2
E=mc squared
It is 1/2*m*e^2
None of the graphs that I can see!
mc squared
The popular one is ; E = MC^2. That is E=MC squared.
c in E=mc squared meaqns the speed of light