Whenever you have a decimal, multiply it by 100 (or move the decimal two places to the right) to find out what percent that decimal is.
Either O5 or O6... depends on the specific job.
250 grams deco=deca http://www.easycalculation.com/unit-conversion/weight-factors.php http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?o2=&o0=1&o7=&o5=&o1=1&o6=&o4=&o3=&s=decagram
6.40 because if you can find 25 percent and 5 percent you can take 5 percent from 25 percent for 20 percent.
Yes, 200 percent is greater than 28 percent.
Grade average of 89 percent and 93 percent averages 91% or an A-.
Yes. 3% is greater than 0.5%.
o5 is not a number but an alphanumeric string.
There are 5 oxygen atoms in O5. Each molecule of O5 contains 5 oxygen atoms.
There is no element with the symbol O5 on the periodic table. Oxygen has the symbol O and is located in group 16, period 2 of the periodic table.
c6 h12 o5
The charge on a pentoxide O5 ion would be -10 since each oxygen atom carries a charge of -2.
Dinitrogen pentoxide.
Oxygen does not have an element symbol of O5. The element symbol for oxygen is simply O, representing its atomic number 8.
C16 h19 n3 o5 s