Fluid ounce is an old-fashioned unit, used to measure volume, or capacity.
There are approximately 29.5735 milligrams in 1 fluid ounce.
if I calculate correctly there are roughly 29.57 milliliters in 1 US fluid ounce, but keep in mind that an ounce is a measure of weight while a milliliter is a measure of volume. a fluid ounce is a hybrid measure - the volume of pure water that weighs 1 ounce - so if you are talking about any substance that's *not* water you cannot calculate the relationship between volume and weight without more information.
There are approximately 14.79 milliliters in a half fluid ounce.
There is one ounce in one fluid ounce. Fluid ounce is a measure of volume, whereas ounce is a measure of weight.
An ounce (oz) is a unit of mass used for measuring weight, while a fluid ounce (fl oz) is a unit of volume used for measuring liquid volume. One fluid ounce of water weighs approximately 1.043 ounces, due to the slightly lower density of water compared to the general definition of an ounce as mass.
There are approximately 29.5735 milligrams in 1 fluid ounce.
fluid ounce
A milligram is a unit of mass. A fluid ounce is a unit of capacity. The two units are therefore incompatible. A compatible unit to the milligram would be the ounce, whereas a compatible unit to the fluid ounce would be the millilitre.
20 ml
A fluid ounce is a unit of volume and a (dry) ounce is a unit of mass or weight, however a fluid ounce of water does weigh 1 ounce at 4 degrees Celsius.
128 oz in 1 gallon
if I calculate correctly there are roughly 29.57 milliliters in 1 US fluid ounce, but keep in mind that an ounce is a measure of weight while a milliliter is a measure of volume. a fluid ounce is a hybrid measure - the volume of pure water that weighs 1 ounce - so if you are talking about any substance that's *not* water you cannot calculate the relationship between volume and weight without more information.
A gram is a unit of mass. A fluid ounce is a unit of capacity. The two units are therefore incompatible.
12 fluid ounce (335mL) can is the most common in the United States. The 'mini' can, which has become popular and generally sold as 6 pack, has a capacity of 8 fluid ounce. In many international areas, especially far east (Japan, South Korea), smaller can is more popular.
There are approximately 14.79 milliliters in a half fluid ounce.
A fluid ounce is a unit of capacity. A gram is a unit of mass. The two units are therefore incompatible.
There is one ounce in one fluid ounce. Fluid ounce is a measure of volume, whereas ounce is a measure of weight.