3 and 8/14
Yes, as 14 is bigger than 10, the fraction is more than 1/1, and therefore is bigger than one whole.
No matter what fraction one gives, there is one closer. There is no answer to this question.
It can't be a fraction if it is a whole (ie 100% of something).
A fraction of the whole. What that is depends on value of the whole. If its 8 for example just add 8 (1 whole) plus 3/4 of 8-8, answer 14.
There cannot be a whole fraction. If it is a fraction it is not whole and if it is whole it is not a fraction.
It's not a fraction is part of one whole.
When multiplying a fraction by a whole number, you should rewrite the whole number as a fraction. Do this by placing the number over a denominator of one.
No. Fraction is one, whole, single word.
if the fraction is 1/1 its one whole
The recommended method in schools is to write the whole number as a rational fraction with denominator 1, and then proceed as you would for subtracting one fraction from another fraction.