Sixty thousand dollar JAMICAN.
Sixty thousand dollar JAMICAN.
Sixty thousand dollar JAMICAN.
Sixty thousand dollar JAMICAN.
The duration of The Six Million Dollar Man is 3600.0 seconds.
The Six Million Dollar Man - 1974 is rated/received certificates of: Australia:PG Singapore:PG
Six million
PCH: Six Million Dollar Man I think Oscar Goldman was one ofthe scientists who made Steve Austin a bionic man in the 1970's TV series starring Lee Majors as the "Six Million Dollar Man." (??) A better answer is: The scientist that made the "Six Million Dollar Man" or simply the "Boss" of the "Six Million Dollar Man."
The Six Million Dollar Man introduced an expensive bad guy to the show. Barney Miller was a race car driver that was made better, he was the Seven Million Dollar Man. Barney Miller and Steve Austin, the Six Million Dollar Man, had a battle with Steve obviously the victor.
The Six Million Dollar Man - 1974 The Seven Million Dollar Man 2-5 was released on: USA: 1 November 1974 West Germany: 16 September 1988
Steve Austin.
There are many "Six Million Dollar man" episodes available. The series consisted of five seasons and six TV movies, there were one hundred episodes in total.
Nowhere, the Six Million Dollar Man is not in syndication so the only way you could watch it is to purchase the DVDs which naturally isn't free.
Lee Majors, who played Steve Austin.Lee Majors
The Six Million Dollar Man - 1973 TV is rated/received certificates of: Iceland:L Norway:11 (video premiere) UK:U