The GCF is 4.
The GCF is 70.
The GCF of 531 and 280 is 1.
280 Mean, which is the same as average, is the sum of the numbers divided by the quantity of the numbers: (280 + 280 + 250 + 320 + 270) ÷ 5
GCF(320, 24, 32) = 8.
The GCF of 280 and 320 is 40
The GCF is 70.
The GCF is 4.
The GCF is 70.
The GCF is 40.
The GCF of 531 and 280 is 1.
280 is the average.(240 + 320) / 2 = 280. This is probably what you are looking for. 280 is 40 away from each extreme on the number line.280 - 240 = 40320 - 280 = 40
280 Mean, which is the same as average, is the sum of the numbers divided by the quantity of the numbers: (280 + 280 + 250 + 320 + 270) ÷ 5
The GCF of 280 and 326 is 2.The LCM of 280 and 326 is 45,640.
GCF(48, 168, 280) = 8.
Since 20 is a factor of 320, it is automatically the GCF.