Since 39 is a factor of 78, it is automatically the GCF.
GCF(39, 78, 26) = 13.
The GCF of 78 and 117 is 39Factors of 78: 1 2 3 6 13 26 39 78Factors of 117: 1 3 9 13 39 117The GCF of 78 and 117 is: 39The GCF is 39.The GCF is 39.
The GCF is 1.
It is: 39
The GCF is 13.
The GCF is: 39
Since 39 is a factor of 78, it is automatically the GCF.
The GCF of 78 and 663 is: 39
The GCF is 3.
The GCF is 3.