The GCF is 7.
HCF(10, 84) = 2 HCF(10, 84) = 2 HCF(10, 84) = 2 HCF(10, 84) = 2
The hcf is 21
First you express the numbers as the product of their prime factors: 28 = 2x2x7 21 = 3x7 Next you find the HCF. In this case, the HCF is 7. Finally, you multiply the numbers together and divide by the HCF. 28x21/7 = 84 Therefore the LCM of 28 and 21 is 84.
hcf = 42, lcm = 84.
It is: 7
If you mean: 21, 49 and 84 then the HCF is 7
The GCF of 21, 49, and 84 is 7.
The GCF is 7.It is: 7
The GCF is 24.
The GCF is 7.
The GCF is 7.
If you mean 28, 49 and 84 then the hcf is 7
It is: 7
It is 7
It is: 7