The GCF of consecutive even numbers is 2.
The GCF is 2.
2 actually it also can be 4
The GCF of consecutive odd numbers is 1.
It will be 1
Will be 1
Two numbers that are 2 apart cannot both be multiples of 3 or greater, as there would not be enough space to add the amount on to the lower number. Thus the greatest possible common factor would be 2. Both of the numbers are even, and so can divide by two. Thus we know the HCF of two consecutive even numbers must be 2.
The HCF is the largest number that both numbers can be divided by. If the HCF is 1, that would suggest that the two numbers share no prime factors. Thus, any two numbers which are coprime will have an HCF of 1. Consecutive numbers are good examples here - 15 and 16, 27 and 28, 104 and 105, all have an HCF of 1.
An HCF is the product of any common prime factors of two numbers. If two numbers have no common prime factors, then the HCF will be 1. For example, 10 and 21. The prime factors are 2x5 and 3x7. There is nothing in common, and so the HCF of 10 and 21 is 1. Two consecutive numbers will always have the HCF of 1.
A factor is a number of which the number being considered is a multiple. Two consecutive numbers cannot both be multiples of 4, for instance, as there isn't 3 numbers in between them. They cannot in fact be multiples of any common number other than 1. Thus the HCF of two consecutive numbers must always be 1.
Consecutive even numbers are any even numbers which are separated by one (uneven) number... so that 6 and 8 are consecutive even numbers... as are 22, 24 and 26. Similarly, consecutive odd numbers are numbers which are separated by one (even) number... so that 11 and 13 are consecutive odd numbers... as are 31, 33 and 35.
There are two consecutive even numbers. The numbers are 62 and 64.