The LCM is 147.
The LCM is: 147
Their product.
The LCM is: 147
LCM of 21 & 49 is 147, so all multiples of 147 are common multiples of 21 & 49.
The Lowest Common Multiple of 21 and 49 is 294.
The Least Common Multiple (LCM) of 21, 42, and 49 is 294.
Since 147 is a multiple of 21, it is automatically the LCM.
GCF: 7 LCM: 147
1617Express each number in its prime composition using power notation:147 = 3172231 = 3171111To find LCM, use highest power of each prime across the numbers:LCM = 3172111= 3 x 49 x 11= 1617
The LCM is 441.