Since 23 is a Prime number, the highest number that will be able to divide evenly into both itself and 9 is the number 1.
The least common multiple (LCM) of 23, 6, and 9 is 414.
The LCM of 9 and 23 is 207. Because 23 is prime, the LCM of the set is their product. 9 * 23 = 207.
The LCM is: 2,070
LCM(51,23, 9) = 3519
LCM(2, 3, 9) = 18
The LCM of 23 and 29 is their product.
The LCM is: 9
The LCM is 690.
8 = 23 18 = 2 * 32 36 = 22 * 32 LCM = 8 * 9 = 72
The LCM of 25 and 23 is 575
The LCM is 9568.
Their product.