LCM of 90 and 135 is 270.
LCM for 135 and 120 is 1080.
For any two natural numbers a & b: Their LCM is b if b is the multiple of a. Here, 135 is the multiple of 27(27 x 5 = 135). Therefore, LCM of 27 & 135 = 135.
lcm(27, 9, 5) = 135
The LCM is: 270
The LCM is 1485.
For the values: 135, 5 the LCM is: 135
The LCM of 2781 and 135 is 13,905. The LCM of 27, 81 and 135 is 405.
The LCM is 540.
The LCM is 675.
The LCM is 15120.
The LCM is 135.
The LCM of 3060 and 135 is 9180
LCM of 90 and 135 is 270.
LCM for 135 and 120 is 1080.
For any two natural numbers a & b: Their LCM is b if b is the multiple of a. Here, 135 is the multiple of 27(27 x 5 = 135). Therefore, LCM of 27 & 135 = 135.