No. Mathematically, to obtain the greatest range for any projectile (which includes the javelin), it must be thrown at 45 degrees to the horizontal. The thrower should therefore aim to deliver as close to this ideal as possible.
Zero vector or null vector is a vector which has zero magnitude and an arbitrary direction. It is represented by . If a vector is multiplied by zero, the result is a zero vector. It is important to note that we cannot take the above result to be a number, the result has to be a vector and here lies the importance of the zero or null vector. The physical meaning of can be understood from the following examples. The position vector of the origin of the coordinate axes is a zero vector. The displacement of a stationary particle from time t to time tl is zero. The displacement of a ball thrown up and received back by the thrower is a zero vector. The velocity vector of a stationary body is a zero vector. The acceleration vector of a body in uniform motion is a zero vector. When a zero vector is added to another vector , the result is the vector only. Similarly, when a zero vector is subtracted from a vector , the result is the vector . When a zero vector is multiplied by a non-zero scalar, the result is a zero vector.
Did you hear about the javelin thrower who decided to become a pole vaulter when the tip of his javelin got stuck in the dirt.
Dd you hear about the Javelin thrower who decided to become a pole vaulter when the tip of this javelin got stuck in the dirt?..... LOL!
No - the thrower must simply throw the javelin the furthest distance with both a legal delivery and landing of the implement.
The person who uses a javelin or participates in the sport is called a javelin thrower. The javelin throwers throw the javelin by the use of their hands.
Leryin Franco is the best javelin thrower
Pitkamaki thorkildsen
No. A javelin thrower cannot throw a javelin 30 kilometers. That's 30,000 meters.
The javelin must land front first into the grass but it doesn't have to stick in as long as it makes a Mark the thrower must release the javelin at shoulder height only
The javelin must land front first into the grass but it doesn't have to stick in as long as it makes a Mark the thrower must release the javelin at shoulder height only
Fatima (I'm guessing you mean from 'I'm a celebrity'), is an Olympic javelin thrower.