If you mean a problem such as: 'what is 64 divided by 3?' you can easily check your anwser with a calculator. If you don't have a calculator, you can also reverse the problem to check your anwser, for example if you got 64/3 = 21.3, then 21.3 multiplied by 3 should equal 64.
64 divided by 4 is 16.
64 divided into 143 = 0.44755244755244755
The greatest common multiple is an infinite amount and not very practical for problem solving.
Winona has 128 pineapples. She gives half to her brother John. How many does she have left? The answer is 64. 128 divided by 2 equals 64.
If you mean a problem such as: 'what is 64 divided by 3?' you can easily check your anwser with a calculator. If you don't have a calculator, you can also reverse the problem to check your anwser, for example if you got 64/3 = 21.3, then 21.3 multiplied by 3 should equal 64.
64 divided into 84 = 0.7619047619047619
1,664 divided by 64 is 26.
64 divided by 4 is 16.
64 divided into 143 = 0.44755244755244755
1/2 divided by 1/16 = 8