Columbia (officially Republic of Columbia) - 1,138,914 sq km
Colombia is approximately 1.14 million square kilometers in size.
Bogotá, the capital of Colombia, has a total area of approximately 1,587 square kilometers.
The area of Colombo is 37.31 square kilometers.
The area of Geneva is about 15.92 square kilometers.
Washington has a total area of 184,665 square kilometers.
Colombia's land area is 1,041,274.2 km2
The area of Roman Catholic Diocese of Cartago in Colombia is 4,000 square kilometers.
The area of Roman Catholic Diocese of Granada en Colombia is 35,000 square kilometers.
439,773 square miles And it's COLOMBIA, not ColUmbia. There is NO u in Colombia, when referring to the country in South America, nor is there a u in Colombian when stating nationality. To be more precise: Colombia - Total area - 439,735.43 square miles (includes 38,696.7 square miles of water area) Land area - 401,038.7 square miles (excluding water area).
Colombia is approximately 1.14 million square kilometers in size.
Colombia, South America is 440,800 square miles.
The area of Balones is 11.2 square kilometers.
The area of Aigne is 10.94 square kilometers.
The area of Pals is 25.81 square kilometers.
The area of Arcen is 11.47 square kilometers.
The area of Cornillé is 12.47 square kilometers.
The area of Véry is 11.74 square kilometers.