Honduras' area is 112,490 square kilometers.
112,492 SQ. km
Honduras is 43,443 sq mi (112,492 sq km) Texas is 266,853 sq mi (691,146 sq km) That means you could place 6.14 Honduras in Texas.
Honduras - 43,278.17 square miles.
Yes of course. The electrical grid in Honduras has 1,133 km of lines of 230 kV, 919 km of 138 kV, with distribution at 13.8 kV and 35.5 kV.
Honduras' area is 43,433 square miles.
It takes about four hours and nineteen minutes to fly from Minneapolis to Honduras.
According to the CIA World Factbook, 112,090 sq km which translates as slightly larger than the State of Tennesee
It is 112,000 km2.
It is 2,046 miles from Phoenix, Arizona to Honduras. Alternatively, you can also say that the distance between the two places is 3,292.72 km.
That would be Nicaragua. According to the CIA World Factbook and the Encyclopedia of the Nations, the border between Honduras and Nicaragua is 922 km long (573 miles).