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Area of circle: 274/360 times pi times 2 squared = 9.564 square m rounded to 3 decimal places

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It is 9.6 square feet.

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Q: What is the area of a circle with radius of 2 m.after a sector of 86 degrees has been removed?
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What is 2 3rds of a circle?

It depends on the shape that is removed. It could be a smaller circle, whose radius is sqrt(2/3) = 0.8165 of the original radius, Or a circle with a hole with radius sqrt(1/3) = 0.5774 of the original radius cut out of it, Or a wedge making a central angle of 120 degrees removed from the circle, Or more complicated shapes.

How many degrees are in a circle with radius 4?

There are 360 degrees in any circle. The radius doesn't matter.

How do I measure different parts of a circle?

Circumference of a circle = 2*pi*radius or diameter*pi Area of a circle = pi*radius squared Radius of a circle = diameter/2 Degrees around a circle = 360 degrees

In a circle a 90 degrees sector has area 16pi ft2. what is the radius of the circle?

The radius is 8 feet.

If An ARC measures 120 degrees what is the length of the radius of the circle?

The radius of a circle has no bearing on the angular measure of the arc: the radius can have any positive value.

What is the radius of a circle with a sector are of 662.89?

Not enough information is given to work out the radius of the circle as for instance what is the length of sector's arc in degrees

Quarter of a circle?

25%. 45 degrees. Radius.

What is the area of the sector a circle with a radius of 2 inches and an arc of 60 degrees?

The area of the sector of a circle with a radius of 2 inches and an arc of 60 degrees: 2.094 square inches.

How do you find the sector of a circle when it is 45 degrees and the radius 9?


How many degrees are in the arc of a circle?

A circle contains 360 degrees. Draw a circle, add a radius to any point on it, and then rotate the radius completely around. After it has returned to the point it initially intersected the curve, the radius will have rotated through 360 degrees.(another explanation, maybe no better.)A complete circle measures 360 degrees, so a half-circle is 180 degrees, a quarter-circle is 90 degrees and so forth. Another way to look at it is in terms of the central angle formed by the radii drawn from each endpoint of the arc - the measure of the arc in degrees is the same as the measure of this central angle in degrees.

What is the radius of a circle in which a 30 degrees arc is 2 inches long?

360/30*2 = 24 = circumference of the circle 24/2*pi = 3.819718634 inches = radius of the circle

How many circles of radius of 5 degrees can be cut from a cartolina 42cm by 32cm?

It's not a circle if it's radius of 5 degrees. If it's 5 cm radius, then 12 circles.